Indy and I were enjoying a walk a few weeks ago along the pathway over looking Medicine Hat.
Although it was an overcast day, I forgot how beautiful the valley looked from this vantage point. I had my camera with me, but didn't have my wide lens, so I was wondering how I could capture this scene as I looked down from the hill.
I decided to try a hand held panorama shot. Setting up my camera in manual, I locked the focus on City Hall with a long focal length and took a couple of readings of the light for an average exposure setting. Once the camera was set, I took a solid stance using my elbows to lock the camera in a vertical grip. Slowly I took 18 images ensuring to over lap each shot by at least 25%. The idea was to stitch the images together in photoshop and hope for the best.
Medicine Hat along the South Saskatchewan river
This image is the result. Once processed in LightRoom 4 for lens correction and basic tonal adjustments that included a graduated filter for the sky, I exported the images to PS6 as a panorama. Then sat back and watched the magic. After 15 minutes of so, and a final crop to clean up the edges, I had a image that was 34,060 x 5,368 pixels... 182mp. the file size was just over 1gb.
The full size 98mb jpeg can be downloaded here -