It was nice to meet up with my three sons in Canmore a few weeks ago. We were in town for the wedding of their cousin Michael. They have always been close to Mike, and it was nice to be invited to his destination wedding at a place he loves, the Canadian Rockies.
Although it had been raining the last few days, by Friday night the rain had stopped. The clouds hung low in the Rockies which gave a strong overcast to the day.
We took a main street into the centre of town until we found path along Policemen's creek. A wonderful wooden boardwalk wound through the wetlands along the shallow creek. It was along this creek the first Police station was constructed in 1893 by the Northwest Mounted Police. The barracks still stand today thanks a community of volunteers that recently restored the 120 year old building.

Down near the oldest park of town, older buildings crowded together.
Old homesteads and outbuildings add to the rustic beauty of this tourist town.
Heading back to the highway, we crossed the CPR railway tracks heading East out of town.
After almost 2 hours we made our way back to our hotel, but had to stop and grab a shot of the Hostel Bear...
Cory stands in front of the welcome sign at the Hostel Bear, in Canmore Alberta
Finally on Saturday the sky began to open up and show off that great Alberta blue sky.
South of the Canmore Nordic Centre, Mt Lawrence Grassi and Ha Ling Peak are backlit from the setting sun.
Across the valley to the North, Princess Margaret Mountain is laced with clouds while the sun warms up the sourthern slopes.
All in all it was a great weekend visit with family and friends. The next time I head to Banff, I'll be sure to take one day and wonder around this great piece of history at the Gateway to the Rockies.